Monday, January 18, 2010

Game 27: Death by Fire 2

Game 27: 3 Stone Handicap Me(10k) vs Ping(6k)

This was incredible. I challenge this 6k to a three stone handicap game. He changed it, so he got the three stones. So I was playing against a stronger player who got a handicap. I was so mad, but I played calmly (Well at least in the beginning before getting frustrated), and tried my best.

However, I could've easily won the game if I played my best. I think I was a little intimidated that a higher rank had the handicap. However, I don't think my opponent was 6k, because I was able to actually closing the gap.

The game is commented by me below.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[3]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[1x30 byo-yomi]
PW[Bonaparte]PB[ping]WR[10k]BR[6k]DT[2010-01-19]PC[The KGS Go Server at]AB[pd][dp][pp]C[Bonaparte [10k\]: Hello
Bonaparte [10k\]: Good luck
;W[dd]WL[1788.045]C[Bonaparte [10k\]: I gave myself the handicap... :(

From here on out, I'm going to look carefully on my game menu so I never do this again.]
;W[ed]WL[1779.785]C[Thank you for making me stronger.]
(;B[ba]BL[1755.916]C[Small move. Black should play elsewhere.]
(;B[cj]BL[1747.398]C[I think this is unreasonable, because we're kyus. I may not know much about invasions very well, but i think black should've played at a bigger point.]
;B[dl]BL[1714.875]C[This was an unreasonable cut.]
;W[gi]WL[1647.609]C[Now black allowed me not only a bunch of stones, but also allowed me to expand towards the center.]
(;W[fn]WL[1524.545]C[I misread it here. I should've just went with my instincts.]
(;W[mp]WL[1436.06]C[I was too cautious about the two stones linking up.]
;B[qj]BL[1531.757]C[It was very frustrating that I overlooked me group on the lower right.]
(;W[le]WL[1110.524]C[I lost this group... At this point I was thinking how to com back from behind through unreasonable means.]
;B[]BL[1201.644]TW[qa][ra][sb][ac][bc][ad][ae][ce][af][cf][ef][cg][dh][fi][fj][ek][fk][dl][el][gl][ll][fm][km][iq][ir][jr][lr][mr][is][js][ks][ls][ms]TB[ea][fa][ga][ha][db][fb][ld][nd][le][me][oe][lf][sf][jg][lg][rg][ih][kh][lh][mh][sh][ii][mi][ni][ri][si][aj][bj][sj][qk][sk][al][ql][rl][am][pm][qm][rm][sm][an][bn][pn][qn][rn][sn][ao][bo][po][qo][so][ap][bp][sp][aq][bq][cq][dq][pq][qq][rq][sq][ar][br][cr][er][pr][qr][rr][sr][as][bs][ds][rs][ss]C[Bonaparte [10k\]: why did you give yourself a handicap?
;W[ri]C[I would be able to create two eyes if I did this.]))
;W[qh]C[Something like this would've won the game for me.]))
(;W[kf]C[Again I played too aggressively. White is likely to his group die in the center, because I think he can only create on eye.]))
(;W[oq]C[Black has to connect or else he's cut.]
;W[go]C[This would be a good result for me.]))
(;W[go]C[I don't think I was done here. Perhaps I should've played here.]
(;B[fh]C[Black should've connected, and lose the three stones, and capture the four white ones.]
(;W[ch]C[I think I should've played here.]
;W[eg]C[I was seeing this sort of resolution to my invasion.])
(;B[eg]C[Maybe black should play here.]))
(;W[bm]C[Perhaps I should've been more aggressive and double hane.]
(;B[kq]C[Perhaps Black should put more pressure on white? I don't know if this move would be reasonable.]
(;B[lq]C[Maybe a little more farther away.]
(;W[jp]C[I misclicked. I should've played here.]))
(;B[ci]C[I think black should establish a base first.]))
;B[ci]C[A simple joseki would've just worked dandy for black.]))

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