Game 18: Me(12k) vs KIRI (11k)
This was a game where I was clearly outplayed. I made poor choices, and instead of trying to push my opponent into a position where it is my advantage, my opponent pushed me into disadvantage position. I think I will look this game over closely. I think there is much to learn from this game.
A couple of questions would be.
Did I finish the joseki on the top left?
Should I have taken the bottom left corner?
Is there a way not to split my upper right group?
Is it possible to choose a different joseki for me in order to defend while attacking in the upper right?
I haven't played a game where I was outplayed so much. Well, I should probably study harder.
David Dang
Solving go problems
12 years ago
You're too hard on yourself. You didn't play badly, until that whole mess after the invasion at P17.
ReplyDeleteBefore, my first real criticism would be 45 - its a really small, unambitious move - it's saying "I want 6 more points of territory", i.e. its an endgame move. I think you can go all the way to L3. You have a really strong group backing you up, and L3 would allow later attacks on the corner.
Then, 53 - another small move, that doesn't really achieve anything except gote. Instead, play R12 to remove white's base, then look for an opportunity to defend your top right group while attacking white's running group - the long knight extension at N17 is extremely vulnerable to an invasion, as you saw, and you want to help it asap.
Thank you for the review of my game. It was just an off game of mine. It's kind of interesting looking an old game and realized how much stronger I am.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to play more severe moves that are reasonable, along with bigger move.