Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Road to Shodan

I've decided to make a blog about my progress to go. For those who don't know go, there are kyu ranks and dan ranks sort of like chess rankings. My current rank is 12k, and the smaller the kyu rank the better you are. Once you get better than 1k, then you become a 1dan. A 1dan is an equivalent of being a black belt in karate, and every level beyond that would be the next degree.

The Japanese say that it takes roughly 1000 games to become shodan, but I've played many games before, but I will start from here.

Hopefully, I hope that people will be able to comment on my game as a continue to progress, and I want to analyze every single one. I play on kgs as bonaparte, if anyone wants to talk to me or play a game with me.

So here I go!

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea and thought I'd piggy back off of it. I'll be watching your progress as motivation for my own. I think I've seen you online as well in KGS. I just got my 10k rank so I'm pretty excited about that. Good luck
