Thursday, December 31, 2009

Game 15,16,17

I played eight games up to now, and I will show you three of them.

The first two are handicap games. I've noticed that I've gotten better at handicap games, because I don't play passive moves anymore, but rather I play attack moves that squeeze my opponent into a small group. Using the additional stones for territory and influence really helps a lot. I win much more with handicaps than without them, even if my opponent is much stronger than I am.

Game 15: 6 Stone Handicap Me(12k) vs Eevee (4k)

Game 16: 4 Stone Handicap Me(12k) vs Eevee (4k)

The third game was a Tiger's Mouth League game. Lance lost 2 games, but won around 5, I believe. I currently won 2, but lost 1. I really want to place first in this league, so I am shooting for getting the number 1 spot.

When we played, I knew that he wanted to create a big moyo. However, he gave me so much territory, the moyo would not do him good. Cutting his stones and connecting mine strategy worked out well. Also, I know that my responses were incorrect, but I think the outcome went out well in this game. However, I was extremely disappointed with myself when I allowed him to make life in the corner. I hope not to do that again in the future.

Game 17: Me(12k) vs Tynogo (13k)

David Dang

New Change in Plans

I think I won't post every single game onto my blog. I think I will put only the ones worth noticing. One of the games I recently played, I lost because I lost focus on the game. I was winning and killed a big group and then I allowed a cut on the wrong side, which allowed my opponent to win the game. I probably won't post those embarrassing games here.

David Dang

Game 8: Me(12k) vs Maudisdead(11k)

Game 8: Me(12k) vs Maudisdead(11k)

This is a game that was reviewed by Javaness, Ian Davis. I liked the comments that he gave me. They were quite constructive, and I was able to see the mistakes in my attacks and the bad shapes that I've created. From hindsight, perhaps this wasn't the best game to show. Maybe it's because I've gotten stronger now, or maybe I've realized my mistakes from his comments.

I'm taking lessons from him, and I look forward to being able to get better in the coming months. Maybe I'll be a 1 dan one day.

David Dang

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Game 12, 13, 14

I've just recently joined the tiger mouth insei league. It's something for fun, and it'll force me to play more games. Hopefully I'll be in the upper half in my B class. I recently played 3 insei league games and won my first two. The last won, I would've won if I took one more to make my group living in the lower left. Then I would've won.

I'm proud with all three games though because I pressed down on my opponent on the second and third line. They have little territory, while I have a gigantic wall. I think I'm stronger than 12k if I made less stupid mistakes though. Well here are the games.

Game 12: Me (12k) vs kidchaor24 (12k)

Game 13: Me (12k) vs LochNess (10k)
Game 14: Me (12k) vs lance123 (11k)

I enjoyed my openings in this game. Have a 4-4 point, then a 3-4 point that closes the corner. I have an instant living base, and potential for a lot of influence on the outside for the corner. I screwed up with the opening in the third game, but I don't think it affected me too negatively. I played a 3-5 point instead of a 3-4 point. I think that opening has potential for me, but i should see some more games that has that sort of opening. Well, off to play more go!

David Dang

Game 10: Me(12k) vs Lyson (11k) Game11: Me(12k) vs Minar (11k?)

I'm a little bit behind reviewing my games. So, I'll review these two.

Game 10: Me(12k) vs Lyson (11k)

The first game I was frustrated with myself, because I definately should've won the game, because my opponent created a group that is killable. I shifted his group towards my strong areas. Then I messed up on a cut and allowed his group to connect. I lost the game, but this is a lesson to be learned. Kill a killable group or lose. :P

Game11: Me(12k) vs Minar (11k?)

The second game. I made a lot of tenuki, and that allowed him create a living group in the center. The game was very close, and ended in a 2.5 points lost for me. Note to self, attack.

David Dang

Monday, December 28, 2009

Game 9: Me(12k) vs entropie67(12k)

Game 9: Me(12k) vs entropie67(12k)

I skipped game 8 for now, because it is currently under review, and I'll have it up soon. So, I have this game that was fairly poorly played, and I learned that I need to make precise moves that are not too agressive or passive. Also this was the first game where I thought my fuseki was quite lacking, and disappointing.

The sgf file above includes the comments that fractic gave on KGS who gave me a review.

David Dang

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Game 5, 6, and 7

These games were pretty quick to play. I won the first and third one, and lost the second one. The second lost was due to a mistake that I made. My opponent took the advantage and cut off my big group on the top side from the rest of the stones.

The first game was a five stone handicap. I had a hard time believing an 8k would be able to beat me with such a large disadvantage. I did not play passively, but I played as usual. I was able to cut of his groups, but I was tremendously impressed with his ability to create living groups with so little space. However, this is probably my fault for not killing them.

The second game had very fast pace, and I was relying on instinct instead of analyzing the board. Even though from hindsight, I could've won the game. I think this was good practice for me to think more on my feet and naturally create good moves.

The third game was a really fun game. I crushed him, but I nearly escaped with my groups and got them connected. Connecting large groups from different areas of the board seem to be second best to a living group. I was able to cut off his stones, and kill them to make my group living. I think I noticed when I was playing him that he really enjoyed territory and making bases that he never had any considerable walls. Which made the game extremely difficult for him for the middle game. I realized how much power there is in these walls and that I should definitely not underestimate them.

The games went quick, but I still need a game to show my teacher to see whether he's the right fit for me or not.

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

I can't wait to get to double digit games.
David Dang

Game 4: 2 Stone Handicap Me(13k) vs Jllaigle(15k)

Game 4: 2 Stone Handicap Me(13k) vs Jllaigle(15k)

This game was a very easy win. There were a few moves that were bad, and I realized them right after I played it. So, maybe a little bit more time and I won't make more stupid mistakes. I personally don't want to analyze this one, because the spread was too much. I made a mistake near the end of the game that cost me many points, but I was so far ahead it did not matter.

However, I will talk about my new pet peeve; people who continue to play even though there is absolutely no hope for them. I was able to force his group in the middle upper left to have only one eye, and I told him that. However, he kept trying to capture my groups around it, which would've been futile. Even after the failed attempts he tried to trip me up at many different cutting points where I would've been able to capture the stone easily. I refuted all of his attacks except the one mistake on the bottom. At this point, I must have been 100 points ahead. I was happy I still came out with the win though. I should play more even game from here on out.

David Dang

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Game 3: Me(14k) vs Light92(14k)

Game 3: Me(14k) vs Light92(14k)

This one game I took more time with my moves and went over the board very carefully. I played white. I think I did very well at attack my opponent's mistakes. I think I'm stronger than 14k if I really look over the board. This is when I realized that I've been playing to quickly and carelessly in the past, and I can get better by simply taking more time.

Move 10 C8. I think this is a good aggressive attacking move that I wanted. The lower left corner is secured and I can use those stones to attack the black stone at C6 as well as the move I've just played.

Move 12 D10 was a move that I was very unsure about. I wanted to take influence on the outside, and make use of sacrificing of my stone at C8. I can't think of any alternatives.

I think black did a good job at playing D7. However, I think it might've been better to just capture the stone, but that's just me.

Move 20 C11 should've been played at F9 to protect a future cut by white. at both E8 and D11.

After move 23, I didn't know what exactly to do. My knowledge of corner joseki faded, so I just tried to play as solidly as I can hoping to land into a joseki that helps me in whole board positioning.

At move 34. I think I should've made a jump out towards the center from the top group since I cannot make it alive.

I think I should've tenuki on move 36. However I think my position is sufficiently grounded on the left side. Also maybe protecting my left group from getting cut to pieces should've been a priority.

If I was black I would've played at L15. M17 seems a bit to slow for me.

After move 51. I liked the sequence despite black having the upper right. I'm wondering if I could've prevented giving black that much in the upper right.

Again at 52. I think it was a good time to make an invasion. Again my corner joseki is pretty bad, and I think he could've killed me.

After move 79. I felt queasy about my lower right group. This is when I knew I have to kill the bottom stones in order to survive and win.

I mistake by black on 93. I would've played at O8 or at H10.

I will stop my review here. I reviewed the end part of the game with my opponent and learned that I played a couple moves that were overplay. However,I think I underestimate my attacking abilities. A shame since I felt personality wise I rather have territory and be completely grounded. Maybe my game will change more in the future. I took more time in this game because I wanted this game to reviewed by Javaness to see whether I like his style, and if I would want to have him as my teacher.

Hopefully I'll win more games with more playing.

3rd game to becoming a shodan!
David Dang

Friday, December 25, 2009

Game 2: .5 komi Me(13k) vs Odijidja(12k )

Game 2: .5 komi Me(13k) vs Odijidja(12k)

Here's a rough game of mine. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, and I think I could've won this game if I took more time for my moves. The game only took 20 minutes. I think I lost a lot of instincts for go, but hopefully they will come back. Anyway, here's my game with my own comments.

Thank you!
David Dang

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Game 1: 2 Stone Handicap Me(12k) vs 15k

Game 1: 2 Stone Handicap Me(12k) vs 15k

What I learned from this game is not to be nervous giving other people stones for a handicap. If I lose, I lose. I think a lot of people have the mentality that they would outright lose to a player if they give them a handicap. I think this is just a way to protect one's ego.

For this game I think I did well. I played white. I think I was to agressive invading at G3 on move 11. I probably could've moved at C10, but I wanted to make sure it was a fighting game, because I would have the upper hand. So, I stick by that move. As for the play up to move 24, I firmly have 6 or 7 points. However, I believe my move was too small and black has a lot of thickness on the outside.

Black played too close to white's stone on move 26. I'm thinking that the best way for black to play is probably at C12, so that black uses his thickness on the bottom to his advantage.

Up to move 33, I was feeling good that black will be inefficient on the bottom, and I will do well on the top side. However, black's move at G9 feels like an overplay to me. Perhaps maybe black could've avoided the situation on his move 28 at F8. Playing shimari to get ahead away from white.

I felt black on the run with his cutting points. However, I'm pretty sure there is a better follow up move after 38 or 40 for white. I'm just wondering if anyone can help me with that.

I was somewhat happy with the tesuji after black played 62.

I made a mistake at 79. I should've played at M15.

Black's move was extremely poor at Q5. Not only is it an empty triangle, but it's too small. Of course, I play a lot of small moves as well in games. :)

Good invasion for black on 84?

Black misplayed at D19 on move 96. He should've played B19 to make his group alive. I was lucky to gain a lot of points from that.

And the game goes on from that. Mistakes are made from both sides, but I think it is the fundamentals and instincts that we're lacking. I think I did well on direction of play, but a skilled opponent would've crushed me.

Hope to see comments or analysis of the game.
Go Discussion

Thank you!
David Dang

The Road to Shodan

I've decided to make a blog about my progress to go. For those who don't know go, there are kyu ranks and dan ranks sort of like chess rankings. My current rank is 12k, and the smaller the kyu rank the better you are. Once you get better than 1k, then you become a 1dan. A 1dan is an equivalent of being a black belt in karate, and every level beyond that would be the next degree.

The Japanese say that it takes roughly 1000 games to become shodan, but I've played many games before, but I will start from here.

Hopefully, I hope that people will be able to comment on my game as a continue to progress, and I want to analyze every single one. I play on kgs as bonaparte, if anyone wants to talk to me or play a game with me.

So here I go!